Please read carefully this Intellectual Property Policy before accessing and using the Website
1. ACCEPTANCE OF THIS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY POLICY. This Intellectual Property Policy govern any internship application to Balenciaga. Your internship-scholarship application is subject to your full acceptance of this Intellectual Property Policy. If you do not accept these terms, please do not submit any internship-scholarship application and do not use the Website.
We may modify this Intellectual Property Policy from time to time in the future. We will inform you of any modification by the way of specific warnings on the Website.
The Intellectual Property Policy’s scope is limited to its purpose as defined herein and does not alter nor modify any other agreement you might have with Balenciaga or its affiliates.
2. BALENCIAGA’S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. The Website, including all its elements, such as notably the platform, the trademarks, the designs, the images, the logos and texts, are the exclusive ownership of Balenciaga. Any reproduction, representation or more generally any direct or indirect use of all or part of the aforesaid elements of the Website are prohibited without prior and written consent of Balenciaga.
You cannot use, circulate or otherwise disseminate any or all of the content of the Website. The user is granted a strictly personal and non-exclusive right to access and use the Website for the sole purposes of the internship-scholarship application, with the exclusion of any other right of use, notably commercial. Balenciaga reserves all other rights.
During the recruitment process, you will be asked to upload your moodboard which may contain some of your pieces of creative works so that we can get to know you better. These pieces of creative works must be original and bear your own individual stamp.
We draw your attention to the fact that the elements of your personal work are not necessarily original or protectable within the meaning of the applicable regulations and, consequently, may not be exclusively attributable to you. Indeed, your personal work could, in reality, borrow from a pre-existing trend or be inspired by elements or ideas from the public domain. In this sense, any claim to ownership could be groundless and even detrimental. In any case, and should your personal work include one or more pieces of original creative works within the meaning of the applicable regulations, you guarantee that you are the author of all pieces of creative works attached to your application, and that these do not infringe on the rights of third parties.
Please note that you remain the owner of all intellectual property rights relating to these original creative works that you sent to Balenciaga. We commit to keep these pieces of creative works strictly confidential. These creative works will not be used by Balenciaga for any purposes other than the assessment of your application for the internship-scholarship program and will be shared and accessed only by the relevant Balenciaga teams involved in the recruitment of students.